Corporate Sustainability




Efficient resource utilization policy
Quality and Environment Policy
Communication and dissemination of information and policies
Policy on the prevention and solution of drug problems in the workplace
Policy on development and training of directors and executives
Human Rights Policy
Software Usage Policy
Safety, Occupational Health and Working Environment Policy
IT Security Policy
Director’s Guide
The Meeting Policy
Anti Corruption
Risk Management Policy
Policies and guidelines on intellectual property
Policies and guidelines regarding customers
Policy and Criteria for Consideration of Executive Remuneration for top and executive
Roles and responsibilities of the Chairman of the Board of Directors
Whistle Blowing Policy
Insider Trading Policy to seek benefits and conflicts of interest
Policy on interest of directors and executives
Policies and guidelines regarding business partners
Personal Data Protection Act Policy (PDPA)
Policy and Criteria for Determining the Remuneration of the Board of Directors
Guidelines for Good Corporate Governance
Criteria for selecting new directors and the process for appointing new directors